The Hub

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BATHROOMS: Our bathrooms are located at the end of the hall where our Legacy Room, Family Center, and children’s classrooms are located.

COMMUNION: We celebrate communion each week as a part of our worship experience. The communion emblems are available at the tables located beside the sanctuary doors. The communion packets contain a wafer of bread on top and a cup of juice below. We will eat and drink these together when directed by our worship leaders.

OFFERING: While giving an offering to God is an important part of a worship experience, it is not something we expect from our guests. Those who choose to share a financial gift can do so online or in the locked box in the back of the sanctuary.

GETTING TO KNOW YOU: After your visit, we would love to get to know you better over a cup of coffee. Please share your contact information below, and we will set up a time to meet with in the next week or two.